ASTOOLS > PRESS BRAKES > Accessories > Squaring Arms > AS FIXRIF - Supporting Arm


Article No. Weight Price
AS-FIX 3,0
  • Description
  • Features
  • Attachments

Fixed side reference to be applied directly to the tool

When do i need it?

When according to the profile to be bent, sheet metal should refer to only one backgauge. In this way the bending line will be perfectly at 90° in relation to the outside edge. AS FIX is a fix reference point and it can guarantee precise profiles even when they have small dimensions. AS FIX is very easy to be used and it is clamped directly to die stem.

Laser Trackers | B-LIGHT

Universal bending line tracking system which helps the operator during the bending process with the sheet metal positioning.


Side reference to be fixed directly to the tool