Retractable clamp in Fe37 for R1 dies with base 60 and 90 mm, length 170 mm.
A simple but innovative solution to facilitate the operator's task for replacing the dies on the press brake bench.
Thanks to ST50-S, the bracket is considered to be "retractable" so when we loosen the screws, we can move the bracket and lower it, eliminating the "classic" 15mm footprint of standard brackets.
With ST50-S it is not necessary to insert the matrices laterally and push them into the work area.
We position the tool directly in the right position with 3 advantages: safety for the operator, less effort and fatigue, surfaces of the press bench and tools always preserved in the name of greater precision.
Retractable clamp in Fe37 for R1 dies with base 60 and 90 mm, length 170 mm.